
Her Voice - 阿米莉亚Bampton

数字她的成立是为了解决大全球最大的博彩平台地区数字和科技行业的性别失衡问题. 我们的项目旨在激励下一代女性十大正规博彩网站评级这个行业, and support the current generation working in the industry.


阿米莉亚Bampton, 区域主任, UK North of Codurance, talks to us about why she loves working in digital and tech, 她的职业生涯, 作为两个孩子的职业母亲,她一路走来面临的挑战和平衡生活.


So my journey into tech was very unexpected. 当我回想起大学,开始思考我的职业生涯会是什么样子, tech was definitely not on my radar. It was just not something I thought I'd find a career in. I definitely saw myself working in the corporate space, but what that would be was still very much undefined.

I went to Liverpool John Moores University to do a business degree. 这门课程采用了相当现代的方法,告诉我们商业和技术是齐头并进的, they are not separate. 这在很大程度上是全球最大的博彩平台亚马逊这样的组织如何, who back then was still an online bookstore, 扰乱市场和利用技术真的能改变做事的方式吗. I continued to study for a masters degree, 这门课更多地涉及技术,但仍然偏重于商业理论,这真的影响了我的职业发展方向.

I started as a business analyst with logicaCMG, 我很快意识到,这个职位需要运用我的人际交往能力和技术理论知识. 我发现我在科技领域有一种天赋,能理解利益相关者, being able to talk in language they could understand, 但我有一种技术思维,使我能够将这些信息传递给技术团队,所以我成为了两者之间的管道. That's where it all started and I have never looked back.

You’re now 区域主任, UK North of Codurance. 作为行业内的资深领导者,您在此过程中遇到了哪些挑战? And how have you overcome them?

如果我诚实的话,我会说我面临的最大挑战之一是我自己,我患有冒名顶替综合症. 几年前, no one really knew what that term meant, but it's had a lot of airtime over the past few years. 我认为这是因为最大的挑战之一就是相信自己,相信自己能胜任这个角色, at whatever point you are in your career.

When I was in my late 20s, I went into my first leadership role. I was the only female on the team, I was the youngest member on the team, 而在这里,我管理的是一起工作了很长时间的人. I'd come in from an external appointment, 我现在管理的一个人也去应聘了这个职位. It was a challenging dynamic, and a steep learning curve, but what got me through was that I knew my manager believed in me, and over time I started to believe in myself too.

Following my intuition and what felt right when making decisions, helped me realise that I was making the right decisions, and that I was the right person for that role. That gave me the confidence to keep moving forward. 

As well as leading the team at Codurance, you’re also a mum of two, 作为一名母亲,你在快节奏的环境中工作的经历是什么?

我喜欢我每天上班时所做的事情,我尽我最大的努力,这是我的一部分. But when I went off on maternity, 两次, I was able to take a year off, which I really appreciated.

人们知道我是谁,知道我工作有多努力,他们有一种感觉,认为这种情况会改变. 当我休完产假回来的时候,由于升职,我的职位已经是一个全新的职位了. Which I think is an important story to share, 因为我认为有一些先入为主的观念认为休产假和生孩子会阻碍你的事业. 然而,情况并非总是如此,我认为分享和支持这一点很重要.

I've always been quite career focused, so when I went off on my first maternity leave, people used to ask me how I would be when I came back to work? My only answer was I didn’t know. I’ve always been very comfortable in the corporate space. 我需要这段时间来理解我是一个怎样的母亲,我想要什么. It turns out I didn't change. 我只是爱着自己工作的阿米莉亚,仍然非常想在公司工作. Yes, I now have a child, the world has changed for me personally. But I haven't changed in terms of how I want to show up for work. 所以对我来说,这是全球最大的博彩平台设定我的界限和参数,了解我的核心价值观是什么. 

我已经踏上了一段旅程,尤其是当我第一次回到工作岗位的时候. I went back 4 days at first, 事实上,我可能已经尝试过所有的工作时间组合. 我发现我是一个更好的妈妈,因为我在工作,有时间. That was core to my values.

我现在全职回来了,他们年纪大了一点,我不觉得内疚,我觉得精力充沛. I want to be a role model to my daughters, to show you can have a career that fulfils you, and not to let society make you feel guilty for being who you are. 

The truth is there is no easy path being a part time mum, being a stay at home mum, being a full time working mum. You're always busy. There's no easy route. There's no right route. 我认为重要的是弄清楚你是谁,并设定这些界限. 我的底线是我去上班,诚实地、努力地完成一天的工作. 当我在家和孩子们在一起的时候,那是他们的时间,这对我来说是合适的.

There’s still a huge gender imbalance in the industry, as a woman in a senior position, what do you think the industry could do better to address this?

When I think back almost 20 years ago, I was the only female on the team, back then I never questioned that. 现在,这个行业对多样性和包容性有了更多的认识. 这是我今天肯定会质疑的——这是一件好事. 我确实看到了在这个行业工作的女性数量的变化, but we still have a way to go.

在过去的十年里,我所做的很多工作都与毕业生有关, young people and encouraging non-males to step into the space. 我热爱我的事业, and if this career path in tech could be opened up to someone else, and it would light them up as much, then that lights me up.

推广行业需要比毕业生更早开始, it has to be at a primary school level. 我们需要在小学空间展示更好的科技榜样和女性榜样. Getting them coding and opening up different opportunities, so they know it's something that is available to them.


There's just so many shapes of careers in tech now, but I don't think that awareness is landing with younger people. 对于科技行业的角色或职业,肯定还有一些先入为主的观念. 我认为人们认为你必须是一名开发人员才能在技术领域工作,这是不正确的. I honestly believe it's a great growing industry to be part of. The industry is constantly evolving, there's always different shapes of roles emerging, 所以你很有可能找到一个你喜欢的角色, and can grow and can develop with.

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